Kinder cosmos is a colorful, vibrant and creative world where the formative years of child’s education is filled with experiencing the learning with abundance of joy, excitement and curiosity. The child friendly teaching & learning process takes place in the amalgamation of physical, intellectual, psychological and spiritual environment throbbing with knowledge, beauty & serenity.
The scientifically designed, multifaceted curriculum is based on research and development perspective where the faculties of the child’s personality is taken proper care of. Although it is subtle yet it has profound and powerful impact to mould the character sub consesciously with a beautiful mind and a beautiful heart.
The vibrant ambience beyond the boundaries of the four walls of the class room spreads our various platforms like Montessori lab, knowledge centre , Educational toys museum, Puppet theatre, Life skill studio, Botanical garden ,Animal and birds kingdom, knowledge centre, Ancient heritage, indoor and outdoor play areas along with visual art class rooms . Multiple experiments and activities enhance and empower the child’s scientific temper take vital space in the curriculum .Podium protocol from the formative years escalates confidence & communication skill in child’s Persona.
The diversified and versatile Kinder Cosmos empowers the child to be a complete future human being with a dimension of balanced approach towards being satisfied & yet being successful.